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Wirtualna Biblioteka

Bibliografia Lekarska


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Library Council


The School Library is a science library, open to the public and used for research, teaching and service purposes. The borrowed books may be taken out, used on the spot and exchanged for books from other libraries. The Library stores over 8500 volumes and over 200 CDs, DVDs and compact cassettes. The collection is enlarged by over 1000 copies every year and organized according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). Moreover, the Library subscribes to 43 specialist journals (including 13 in English) and 5 daily newspapers. It is open to students for seven days a week, Monday through Sunday.
The Library is fully computerized, and the books are lent through the Libra 2000 system. All students and employees have full access to the on-line library. The School’s website includes an on-line book catalogue and offers on-line help – theme blocks with website addresses, which are useful to both, the students and the employees of the School (e.g. library services, on-line books and journals, dictionaries, translators, bibliographic and text databases, etc.).

The PWSZ Library in Skierniewice offers 60 individual work places and a multimedia room with 20 computer work stations. The Library resources include books, serial publications (e.g. research bulletins), specialist journals and special collections (compact cassettes, CDs, DVDs). After borrowing, the books can be freely carried around the facility. The publications are arranged according to the (Universal Decimal Classification). Students have free access to the Internet.

So far, the Library has collected over 9000 volumes and is enlarging its reading offer year by year. Moreover, students have access to over 300 items from special collections, 86 titles of professional press (list of magazines)), as well as a wealth of bibliographic, catalogue and factographic information. The opening days and hours of the Library and the Reading Room are adjusted to the needs of all, also part-time students. The Library is continuously and steadily supplementing its collection, to satisfy the readers’ needs.

In 2008, the Library was fully computerized, as a result of which readers may use the on-line Library catalogue.

The Library runs didactic activity, which includes library training for students commencing their studies at the Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa. It is to familiarize them with the Library and the Reading Room rules, as well as teach them how to search for information in the computer catalogue. The Library also runs cultural activity by organizing exhibitions.

The PWSZ Library in Skierniewice cooperates with the following libraries:

  1. The Economics and Sociology Faculty Library, University of Łódź
  2. The Institute of Horticulture Library
  3. The SGGW Central Library in Warsaw
  4. The Town Public Library in Skierniewice
  5. The Pedagogical Library in Skierniewice
  6. The University of Łódź Library
  7. The Philological Faculty, University of Łódź
  8. Główna Biblioteka Lekarska

ul. Batorego 64C
96-100 Skierniewice

tel. 46 834 40 00
fax. 46 834 40 07

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