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Why choose the PUSB?

The PUSB guarantees:

  1. free tuition for the first-cycle full-time students and competitive prices for part-time students;
  2. high academic standard of a public university, which allows the students to continue their education at the second-and third- cycle studies;
  3. professional preparation of students to work in a wide range of jobs valued on the local and regional work market;
  4. full professional preparation of students and graduates to work in jobs offered by the University Career Centre; access to a wide range of jobs, internships and trainings;
  5. active support for the students’ activity outside the School, through the students’ government, AZS (University Sports Association), and student research groups;
  6. maintaining good relations between the students and the teachers;
  7. a student-friendly school environment, where education, development and citizenship education are a priority;
  8. financial support through a well-developed system of financial aid, both for full- and part-time students;
  9. accommodation at the newly open Student Hostel;
  10. the possibility to continue education at foreign universities;
  11. integration of local communities by organizing events like the Science, the High School Graduate Day, or by supporting the University of the Third Age.


ul. Batorego 64C
96-100 Skierniewice

tel. 46 834 40 00
fax. 46 834 40 07

NIP: 836-177-07-23
PKO BP 30 1020 4580 0000 1102 0067 5595