God�o pa�stwowe


FACULTY Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
LEVEL OF STUDY first-cycle programme (bachelor’s degree studies)
MODE OF STUDY full-time and part-time
DURATION 3 years (6 semesters)
PROFILE practical
discipline: education


Studies in the field of Education with a practical profile are a part of the field of social sciences. The program of studies refers to the achievements of pedagogy as a scientific discipline and other disciplines in the field of social sciences and enables the acquisition of general pedagogical knowledge, enriched with the necessary content in the field of psychology, sociology, philosophy and ethics, which are necessary to understand the social and cultural context of care and educational activities, supportive, therapeutic activities as well as socialization and rehabilitation.

A graduate of the faculty knows and understands contemporary theories of upbringing, care, learning and teaching, social rehabilitation, pedagogical therapy, prevention and various conditions of these processes, the principles of the functioning of the main educational environments, their character and processes taking place in them, the principles of designing and conducting diagnostic research in pedagogical practice, taking into account the special educational needs of students including those with developmental disorders, the character of functioning of students and charges with special educational needs, the characteristics of pedagogical entities and the anatomy of functioning of children, students and charges in the context of developmental regularities and irregularities, methodology of performing duties in the context of standards, procedures and good practices used in the selected area of pedagogical, educational or caring activities as well as rehabilitation, therapeutic and preventive activities.

A graduate is able to observe educational situations and events, use theoretical knowledge in the field of education and pedagogy, psychology and detailed methodology in order to diagnose, analyse and forecast pedagogical situations and select strategies for implementing practical activities. A graduate will also be able to diagnose the situations of young learners and pupils with special educational needs, formulate conclusions, design strategies for educational activities, select and use the available materials, means and methods of work in order to design and effectively implement pedagogical activities (specifically educational, caring, rehabilitation, preventive ones).

A graduate of pedagogical studies is ready for a critical reflection concerning his own professional role, a sense of responsibility for himself/herself and others, developing interpersonal skills and creating conditions for planning and implementing his own professional and personal development. A graduate is also capable of undertaking effective efforts in terms of pedagogical activities in social environment, presenting involvement and persistence in the implementation of team and individual professional tasks which result from performing the role of a pedagogue, educator, guardian. He or she is also able to conduce individualized pedagogical activities (in the fields of education, care and social rehabilitation) in relation to pupils and charges, including those with special educational needs. A graduate must also be able to act in compliance with the rules of professional ethics.

An important element of vocational education is an extensive module of educational internships, within which a graduate independently undertakes practical activities in the field of educational diagnosis, methodology of work in the areas of caregiving, education and rehabilitation. Another important abilities a graduate acquires in this module are planning and implementation of preventive, compensatory and caring activities as well as supportive, therapeutic, rehabilitation or educational ones.

The study program includes two modules of subjects to choose from, that enable graduates to acquire advanced level knowledge, skills and competences necessary to plan and manage the processes of upbringing, care, rehabilitation, prevention, pedagogical therapy and stimulating the development of students and charges in an individualised manner, according to their needs and capabilities.



    The module of subjects in the field of childcare and education with elements of pedagogical therapy enables the graduate to achieve learning outcomes in the field of knowledge, skills and competences necessary to work with children, adolescents and the elderly who require preventive, compensatory, supportive, caring, educational and therapeutic activities. By choosing this module, the graduate knows and understands the principles of applying forms and methods of care and educational work undertaken in various educational environments, e.g. in the family, school, in the open environment of the local community and in various types of institutions. He is aware of the specificity of the care and educational work resulting from the needs of the students/charges, the immensity of problems and threats accompanying people at various stages of their development. He can recognize and define these threats as well as indicate and implement appropriate actions using adequate methods and forms of work. The knowledge gained in the course of auditorium classes is combined with the acquisition of professional competence and practical skills, thanks to educational internships undergone by students in care and educational institutions.


    The module of subjects in the field of resocialisation with social prevention enables the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence necessary to work with children and adolescents, at risk of social maladjustment, manifesting various symptoms of social deviation and demoralization, including those addicted to illicit psychoactive substances, committing offenses or crimes, and with adults, who breached or violated the legal and moral standards. A graduate is able to diagnose existing threats and on the basis of this diagnosis plan and implement a program of preventive, supportive, therapeutic and rehabilitative activities. A student completing this module is aware of necessity for cooperation with various individuals and institutions in order to co-organize these activities effectively. The knowledge gained in the course of auditorium classes is combined with the acquisition of competence and practical skills, thanks to educational practice served by students in rehabilitation centres.


The competency of graduates of this faculty enables employment in various areas of pedagogical activities, undertaken in care and educational institutions, cultural animation and social assistance institutions, specialist counselling centres, state and local government administration, health care as well as social prevention and judicial institutions. Employment opportunities include also positions in such institutions as orphanages, children's homes, community centres, therapeutic and socio-therapeutic centres, Voluntary Labour Corps, emergency care, shelters for the under-aged, police emergency centres for children, schools and educational centres, youth social therapy centres or rehabilitation and addiction therapy centres. Among potential employment options there are also associations and foundations dealing with social prevention and rehabilitation activities, courts – in terms of probation officers and probation centres for work with youth, correctional facilities, prisons, boarding houses, hospital common and recreation rooms, sanatoriums, prevention centre, day care centres, nursing homes, Family Assistance Centres, Adoption and Care Centres, Citizens Advice Bureau.


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96-100 Skierniewice

tel. 46 834 40 00
fax. 46 834 40 07

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